Monday, May 22, 2006

Ode to Spam

I have a Vegas post in me somewhere, but I have a lot of shit to catch up on for work, so I'm putting up this little diddy that B wrote a while ago on his other site. It actually made my eyes water. -L

I have fat, 16 grams,
Not quite beef, not quite ham,
Can you guess what I am?
That nifty food that we call Spam!

In a bowl, or in a plate,
The store is closing, don't be late,
By yourself, or with a date,
I want Spam, I just can't wait!

When I'm out I have to stop,
To grab some Spam at the shop,
There is nothing that can top,
Spam in kimchi bokum bop!

For this food, I am a sucker,
Beside me in bed is where I tuck her,
And with kimchi jjigae, I start to pucker,
When I throw Spam into that fucker!

So now I go to heat the pan,
And peel the lid from that can,
Spam Spam Spam, you are the man!
This little gook's your favorite fan!



Blogger Gamer C. said...

Spam= Squirrels, posom, and mice. :)

Welcome back!!

1:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, I love spam fried rice far more than I can ever really describe to the average haole.

8:42 PM  

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